Saturday, June 25, 2011

hangar prefab | fab prefab in europe

architects Juan and Sara matiz at home in chelsea, where they live in a remarkable small loft with their two children. juan is from colombia and sara is from italy, which has allowed them to build an architectural practice in NYC (they're doing etsy's new offices!), which also caters to international clients. one of their clients is an italian company, with whom they've designed and are currently selling some really cool prefab homes in europe. 

via re-nest


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Dom za siromašne

Sajt Jovoto je pokrenuo lavinu ideja sa javnim konkursom

 'The $300 House' Challenge

kako bi odgovorili na problematiku stanovanja siromašnih kojih prema procenama čini 1/6 populacije na planeti. Kako će nas uskoro biti 7 milijardi i planeta sve teže nas podnosi obzirom koliko je zagađujemo i iscrpljujemo problematika stanovanja postaje sve veći problem. 

Više o Planeti možete pogledati u ovom filmu preko YOUTUBE servisa >

a pogledajte i film Ellen MacArthur Fondacije